Saturday, March 8, 2008

The trial of Jack Merridew Blog 12

Prosecution Sheet

Evidence: Piggy's Glasses, Spears.
Prosecution Whiteness list: Ralph, Sam n Eric & Piggy aunt.
Defense Whiteness List:
All Whiteness:

1) Jack did you try to be the leader of the boys? But Ralph won instead?
2) Did you try to impeach Ralph?
3)Also did you run away from the boys after you tried to impeach Ralph, but you lost again?
4) Did you start to say kill the beast cut his trough and spill his blood? Rate before you said. Look the beast. And you all attack what seemed to be the beast? But it was actually Simon?
5) Did you set up the boulder on the top of castle rock?
1) Ralph could you tell me did you ever attack Jack just for no reason?
2) Have you ever hit anyone on the island?
3) Ralph what was your goal on the island? Did you want to hunt or get rescued?

Sam: 1) Has Jack ever hurt you or tor chored you?
2) What has Jack done to help the island at all?
3) How did Jack find out where Ralph’s hiding spot was?

1) Has Jack ever hurt you or tor chored you?
2) What has Jack done to help the island at all?
3) How did Jack find out where Ralph’s hiding spot was?

1) Did you pull the leaver to kill Piggy or did Jack tell you to do that in some way?
2) What job did Jack give you?
3) Has Jack ever hurt you in some way?

Percival: 1) What happened on the island?
2) Was Jack a better leader than Ralph was?
3) What did Jack do to help you boys on the island?

Maurice:1) What happened on the island?
2) Was Jack a better leader than Ralph was?
3) What did Jack do to help you boys on the island?


1) Did you join Jacks tribe willing or did he force you?
2) Did Jack seem more Jack help for you guys more then Ralph did or what?
3) Did any one ever hurt you and who did it?

Naval Officer:

1) Did the boys seem to be attacking any one on the island?
2) What did the boys seem like on the bout trip back?
3) From what you where told by the boys whose side would you take?

Piggy's Auntie:

1) Was Piggy ever violent at all when he lived in your house?
2) Was Piggy ever violent or capable to give anyone any reason to hurt or kill him?
3) Did Piggy start any fights or talked back to some of teachers?

Jack's parents:
1) Has Jack every hurt anyone talk back or said or done anything of that nature?
2) Has Jack ever got in trouble in school for talking back to the teacher or getting in fights any where?
3) What would you rate your child in whatever he does as 1 being the best child ever or 10 being the worst child ever?

Blog 13 - Revision of "Blog 8 - Simons Death"

After I had talked to the Pig and got up I had to make sure that there was or was not a beast. Cause I was tiered of not knowing. As I walked through all of the bushes with my bear feet it trickeled a lot. It was very hard and long to get up the mountain without anyone to help me clime up and make me have a tough at the same time. But I steadfast up the mountain. When I first got up the mountain the head look straight at me and I got very tremulous cause the eyes looked dead into mine. But then when the winded died down the head went back down. So I walked up to it and it didn't attack me or anything like that. I didn't even look up.
But I noticed that it was stuck between some rocks. So I pulled it out and it just flouted off the mountain side. But then I realized it wasn't a beast it was a dead parachutist. So I had to run down the mountain and tell everyone. But all of the trees kept on getting in my way so I had to go out of the forest and get on the beach and run to them like that. When I got to the beach and got to Ralph's camp. No one was there. So I guess they made a new camp or they went to go be in Jack's group. I had noticed a short cut between the trees. So instead of running completely running around I would just run through.
As I got close enough I could see them dancing and singing. Then Piggy crying for some reason and every one was laughing. But all of the other littluns looked croruped by Jack's ability to give them meet. And I see some of the boy's running out of the forest. But I could barley hear what they were saying. But it seemed that they were saying he's here, he's here or something like that and pointing in my direction. Then when I got to the camp I heard kill the beast, cut his through, make him bleed and I couldn't speek right. So I could only say parachutist on the moutain. But then all of a sudden I was knocked over and I was getting bit, scracthed and stabbed. I can't even speak cause I could barley breath. So I couldn't say it was Simon. I had started to lose conchisnes. before I knew it I was dead.

Blog 14 - Revision of "Blog 10- Sam n Eric"



Do you hear that.

Yes I hear that what is it?

I don't know. But we should tell Ralph. No it is problem just the wind.

It could be Jack and the hunters. Or it's the beast?

Wait I think I can hear some voices. Wait they are getting loader. I think that's Jack's voice.

Wait one second I think someone is fighting rate now. I think it is Ralph fighting Jack let's go help Ralph.


Wow was that a holler. I think Someone got hurt pretty bad. Ralph are you OK.

Ralph said: I lifted my knee and got Jack in the pills so he is hurt pretty bad. So he won't come back in a while.

Look over there the fire still is going. Did they take the conch.

Piggy said: No they didn't, but my face fells kind of fun though.

Did anyone hit you in the face.

Piggy realpied: Nope. Someone grabbed my face though.

Look down the beach they are running to castle rock.

Ralph said: Piggy how come your eye's aren't flicering any more.

Piggy said: That's strang I don't fell my glasseson me. Everyone check the beach for them.

Ralph realpided: Piggy I think they grabbed your glasses.

Piggy said: That's pereposterous I think I would know.

Ralph said: Check the beach then and tell me what they took then. And what else is there to steal.

Piggy: Now to think of it I don't fell my glasses on my face.

Piggy, Ralph look the fire is out we need to start a fire agian.

Ralph: First we need to get some sleep and then think of a way to get Piggy's glasses back and try to get Jack and everyone else over here agian.

Piggy: We should call a meeting later.

Ralph: Ok we will lets just get some sleep.

Ok we are all ready on it. Uhh.
As we walk into the tent we see Relph and Piggy talk at each other and Piggy face is starting to get red.

When we wake up in the moring to the sound of the conch. But this day seems dark for some reason.

Ralph hads Piggy the conch and Piggy says that he will go up to Jack and tell him to give him his glasses back cause what is right is right. He also said that he would need to hold someones hand cause he can't guide himself up the narrow neck with out falling off.

Ralph: Piggy I think it is way to danguores to go with us. And I will tell Jack for you.

Piggy: Says no I have to do it and that is that.

As we walk through the forest the creeps are seeming to get thiker. So we deiced to walk rate behind each other. As we get to the neck we see Roger standing at the top of the hill. Holding a spear in one hand and toshing a rock up in the other hand. He also stood next to a giant rock with a stick squezed unger it for some reason.

Roger: What are you doing here this is our side of the island and the platform and the lagoon is yours. So go back there and don't ever come back.

Piggy: were is Jack.

Roger: He is out hunting for food.

Ralph: Does Jack have Piggy's glasses or do you have it Roger.

Roger: Why do you need? It and I bet that Jack will never give it to you.

Ralph: We need it for a fire and I now he wi....

Jack: What are you doing here Ralph. Piggy!

Piggy: Jack I need my glasses back to see and you know thats right and whats right is right.

Jack: Ha ha. Piggy you think that I will give it to you with out something in return.

Piggy: Like what?

Jacks: Like a fight.

Jack jumps at Ralph and tries to stab him. And Ralph blocks him with a spear. And Roger hits Piggy with a rock.

Piggy: Stop that who ever that it is.

Roger throws another rock a Piggy and miss and at the same time Ralph and Jack keep on fighting. Then all of a sudden the earth shakes and we notice a boulder coming down castle rock. We run back off the neck and Ralph jumps to the side and Jack tells the hunters behind us to grab us or he will kill Ralph that very second will Ralph was on the ground. And The hunters grab us and tie us together. We don't even fight back to get free. And we scream at Piggy to run to our voice, but the sound of the boulder is to strong and he does not even hear us. Then the boulder hits Piggy and destroys the conch and we see Piggy fall, fall fall forty feet to his death.

And we scream no Roger you will die by the hands of one of us Roger and you will be jabbed. With a spear. By one of us or maybe Ralph. Ralph watch out Jack is about to kill you. Ralph run away as far as you can as fast as you can swim Ralph swim away.

Ralph: OK guys I will come back and save you. Ow.

Jack: Yes thats right Ralph run like a little baby go home and cry to your navy dad. Sam Eric I will give you one more chance to join my tribe or be torched ore be pushed off the kill like what happened to Piggy.

We'll join you Jack.

A happy cry blog 11

I see a fire on an island and its red. I could visualize people in trouble on the island. Petty set the ship I am going ashore. When I landed on shore a little Boy can you elaborate on what is going on rate now. A boy at the same size as the boy in front of me but with freckles just heaved some bushes out of his way and was abot to say something. I saw a group of boys run out of the bushes in front of me with spears. Then the boys had a ululation cry. I thought they might be dangouers so I pulled out my gun. They had cowered after I shot the gun in the air. I told the boys they could come back with me and get back home. But I have on question. Is anyone hurt or dead. Just 2. The little boy reaplied. A the little kids started to cry in front of me so I said come on you little boys you can come with me rate now. Then they ran and jumped on the bout with me and we all went back home.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Shaddow & trees blog 7

When we had started to head up the mountain it seemed infinite amount of climbing to get to the fire. Just looking at Ralph is so infuriating he think he is so good, but Jack is the best leader ever. Finally we had got to the fire. We saw the beast and our mouths where blundered by the site of it and we could only stumble our words. Then the beast looked straight at us and we decided to go covered rate under the mountainside. When we looked at the beast it we could not tell what it was and we could not agree on what it could be. It was an uncompromising situation. We compromised by saying its a Ape-like creator. When we got back to camp all of the little boys were looking at us in fear. We deiced to tell them that the beast was a Ape-like creator. They started to sniveled in fear a lot when we told them. But the littluns still wanted us to share our sagely advice with them about the beast and what it did when we got there, but we did not tell them.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Samn Eric blog 10



Do you hear that.

Yes I hear that what is it?

I don't know. But we should tell Ralph. No it is probly just the wind.

It could be Jack and the hunters. Or it's the beast?

Wait I think I can hear some voices. Wait they are getting loader. I think that's Jack's voice.

Wait one secound I think someone is fighting rate now. I think it is Ralph fighting Jack let's go help Ralph.


Wow was that a holler. I think Someone got hurt pretty bad. Ralph are you ok.

Ralph said: I lifted my knee and got Jack in the pills so he is hurt pretty bad. So he won't come back in a while.

Look over there the fire still is going. Did they take the conch.

Piggy said: No they didn't, but my face fells kind of fun though.

Did anyone hit you in the face.

Piggy realpied: Nope. Someone grabbed my face though.

Look down the beach they are running to castle rock.

Ralph said: Piggy how come your eye's aren't flicering any more.

Piggy said: That's strang I don't fell my glasseson me. Everyone check the beach for them.

Ralph realpided: Piggy I think they grabbed your glasses.

Piggy said: That's pereposterous I think I would know.

Ralph said: Check the beach then and tell me what they took then. And what else is there to steal.

Piggy: Now to think of it I don't fell my glasses on my face.

Piggy, Ralph look the fire is out we need to start a fire agian.

Ralph: First we need to get some sleep and then think of a way to get Piggy's glasses back and try to get Jack and everyone else over here agian.

Piggy: We should call a meeting later.

Ralph: Ok we will lets just get some sleep.

Ok we are all ready on it. Uhh.
As we walk into the tent we see Relph and Piggy talk at each other and Piggy face is starting to get red.

When we wake up in the moring to the sound of the conch. But this day seems dark for some reason.

Ralph hads Piggy the conch and Piggy says that he will go up to Jack and tell him to give him his glasses back cause what is right is right. He also said that he would need to hold someones hand cause he can't guide himself up the narrow neck with out falling off.

Ralph: Piggy I think it is way to danguores to go with us. And I will tell Jack for you.

Piggy: Says no I have to do it and that is that.

As we walk through the forest the creeps are seeming to get thiker. So we deiced to walk rate behind each other. As we get to the neck we see Roger standing at the top of the hill. Holding a spear in one hand and toshing a rock up in the other hand. He also stood next to a giant rock with a stick squezed unger it for some reason.

Roger: What are you doing here this is our side of the island and the platfore and the laggoon is yours. So go back there and don't ever come back.

Piggy: were is Jack.

Roger: He is out hunting for food.

Ralph: Does Jack have Piggy's glasses or do you have it Roger.

Roger: Why do you need? It and I bet that Jack will never give it to you.

Ralph: We need it for a fire and I now he wi....

Jack: What are you doing here Ralph. Piggy!

Piggy: Jack I need my glasses back to see and you know thats right and whats right is right.

Jack: Haha. Piggy you think that I will give it to you with out something in return.

Piggy: Like what?

Jacks: Like a fight.

Jack jumps at Ralph and trys to stab him. And Ralph blocks him with a spear. And Roger hits Piggy with a rock.

Piggy: Stop that who ever that it is.

Roger throws another rock a Piggy and miss and at the same time Ralph and Jack keep on fighting. Then all of a sudden the earth shakes and we notice a boulder coming down castle rock. We run back off the neck and Ralph jumps to the side and Jack tells the hunters behind us to grab us or he will kill Ralph that very secound will Ralph was on the ground. And The hunters grab us and tie us together. We don't even fight back to get free. And we scream at Piggy to run to our voice, but the sound of the boulder is to strong and he does not even hear us. Then the boulder hits Piggy and destorys the conch and we see Piggy fall, fall fall fourty feet to his death.

And we scream no Roger you will die by the hands of one of us Roger and you will be jabbed. With a spear. By one of us or maybe Ralph. Ralph watch out Jack is about to kill you. Ralph run away as far as you can as fast as you can swim Ralph swim away.

Ralph: Ok guys I will come back and save you. Oww.

Jack: Yes thats right Ralph run like a little baby go home and cry to your navy dad. SamEric I will give you one more chance to join my tribe or be torched ore be pushed off the kill like what happened to Piggy.

We'll join you Jack.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Glasses and Shells blog 9

Ralph it was an accident. Simon death was an accident. As I smothered the conch in my hands.

Ralph reapiled: Piggy you werent on the inside of that circle. You should have seen the way the littluns scrached, stabbed and bite him.

But at the same time he
gesticulate with his hands as he told me what happened.

I started to look away and I started to
shudder the though of this happening to me to. I look away to my left and noticed how the sun light phosphorescence off the wet and socked rock in the lagoon. I started to talk loud at Ralph trying to tell him it was an accacidint. Then I started to stifle in my through as it started to ich. So I grabbed my inhaller as my asma started to act up.

I had convincted Ralph that I was not there to see this and he had no part in it to. But wait what happened to Sam n Eric where are they.

Ralph replied: I don't no either, but I hope they didn't join Jack's tribe couse we need them to be in our tribe to help out with the fire.

Then all of a suddden we hear a nouise in the forest. It seemed to be mouning.

SamnEric: Sorry for the scare, but we are just hearting from the walk back and we stepped on throns and accidently walked through a thorn bush thats why we have all the cuts and scratches.
"And by the way what happened to Simon."

Ralph said: That we had accidently killed him, but we were not involed in it couse we were tierd and we got lost on our way back.

But SamnEric could not look at us. But we all said that none of us had no part of Simon's death.

We should get back to work on keeping the fire going.

Later on that night:

Ralph we should have a look out on the fire since Jack's fire could run out and he would have to steal ours.

Ralph reaplided: No he won't he would try to steal it first he would ask me if he could have some. Couse he is not the savage yet. Well night Piggy and SamnEric.

SamnEric said: Night Ralph and Piggy.

Night SamnEric and Ralph.

Wow what is all of that noises it soulds like a wolf or a fox or couldit be the beast. No it is probley just my imagination or the wind nocking the tree branch into another tree.

Wait Something is running. Crack. It is a branch in the fire that snappened. No wait I here some voices. Ralph do you hear that.

Ralph said: Piggy shut up I am trying to sleep.

Ralph wait listen to that. Ralph its coming over here. Crash. Help me Ralph help me.

Oww. I am going to beat you down now Ralph. Take that for bitting me. Guys grab the fire and run as fast as you can.

Ralph said: Someone put thier fingure in my mouth and then they punched me in the face and I got kicked three or four times and I was punched also.

We need to fix all of the tents that were destroyed and fix all of what happened between us and Jacks tribe.